Corteno – Lombro – Santicolo path

From Piazza Venturini go east along Via Brescia. Turn left at the first junction, until Laghetto del Pescatore. Cross the bridge and continue straight for a few dozen metres, as far as a signpost pointing to the right. Take the path, without any deviations, until the hamlet of Lombro. Now go down the main road and continue south until a wayside shrine. Bear right and cross the bridge over the river Ogliolo; at the crossing at the end of it, keep left. Turn left at the next junction, into a dirt road, until the hamlet of Santicolo.


Bratte – Malga Palabione

Go up the dirt road that starts above contrada San Pietro and leads to Bratte, the same route as the first part of the S. Pietro – Bratte – Colonia path. Ascend until you reach a junction, bear right and go past the Baradello Superpanoramic slope, until the chiesetta di S. Giovanni. Continue along the road until the middle stop of the Baradello chair lift. Now take the road that continues along slope A, on the right; follow the slope up to Malga Palabione.


Laghi di Torena path

From Aprica take the SS39 road towards Sondrio. Just past the town, bear left, following directions for Diga di Ganda and Rifugio Cristina. Continue along a mostly paved road, with a few stretches of dirt road, pass Rifugio Cristina, up to Palazzina Falck, preceded by the imposing wall of the Frera Dam, where you'll park your car.

Malga Palabione – Malga Magnolta path

The Palabione gondola takes you up to 1700 metres (you can also reach the start of the path walking along paths 327 and 337). The path starts in front of Ristoro Pasò and heads west. You'll go past a small stretch of water, initially along a dirt road. Go past a stream and the road will head left; the start of the path is on your right. It steadily climbs amid larches and firs, leading towards Malga Magnolta.