The Alpine Nature
Wildlife Sanctuary

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The Alpine Nature Wildlife Sanctuary

The Aprica Alpine Nature Wildlife Sanctuary, created and directed by the biologist and naturalist Bernardo Pedroni, is a vast area of over 25 hectares, with an educational and naturalistic itinerary. Here you will have the chance to discover nature and observe some animal and plant species typical of the Orobie Valtellinesi Park.

The Alpine Nature Wildlife Sanctuary is a unique place, where visitors can experience the thrill of observing animals in freedom from up close, without any protective fencing, in full safety. Chamois, steinbocks, row deer, birds of prey, titmice, squirrels and small amphibians populate the naturalistic area, which attracts visitors from all over Europe. An area dedicated to the Alpine brown bear actually hosts two animals of this species, which can be observed from a few strategic points. New naturalistic educational facilities are soon to be inaugurated, both higher up in the mountain and in town. 

Guided tours are in the morning in summer, prior booking. You can find here the dates: